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Roblox How To Delete A Place

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This is the perfect place to continue our research from the hospital, as this is the source of some of the ingredients we use! This article is a stub. You can help Roblox Piggy Wikia by expanding or improving existing text.


  1. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
  2. Delete a Roblox Account. Roblox doesn't have any kind of option to delete your account Straightforwardly. In a simple way, you can't delete your account. But don't worry we will make it happen, because we can. That's why here we have shared with you five methods that can help you to delete your Roblox.

GET /assets/{id}/versions

Retrieves asset information for the specified asset ID. The authenticated user must be able to manage the asset.
idlongThe ID of the asset.
placeIdno type!The ID of the place.
pageint(Optional)The page to retrieve.
[{ 'Id':536133191, 'AssetId':226132918, 'VersionNumber':3, 'RawContentId':2619739106, 'ParentAssetVersionId':536132109, 'CreatorType':1, 'CreatorTargetId':80502178, 'CreatingUniverseId':null, 'Created':'2015-07-13T11:51:12.9073098-05:00', 'Updated':'2015-07-13T11:51:12.9073098-05:00' }]
409For PlatformException

GET /v2/assets/{id}/versions

Retrieves asset information for the specified asset ID. The authenticated user must be able to manage the asset or granted by package permission. (if nextPageCursor is null, there is no more items)
idlongThe ID of the asset.
placeIdlong?The ID of the place.
cursorstring(Optional) cursor to fetch next page.
sortOrderSortOrder(Optional) Sorting order of asset version.
limitint(Optional) Size of page to fetch.
{ 'previousPageCursor': null, 'nextPageCursor': '4', 'data': [{ 'Id': 2147905864, 'AssetId': 2147765363, 'VersionNumber': 8, 'ParentAssetVersionId': 2147905863, 'CreatorType': 1, 'CreatorTargetId': 23265213, 'CreatingUniverseId': 2147757210, 'Created': '2019-10-16T21:44:42.417Z', 'Updated': '2019-10-16T21:44:42.417Z' }] }
400Invalid request
404Asset not found
409For PlatformException
500Internal server error
502Bad Gateway

POST /assets/award-badge

userIdintThe ID of the user.
badgeIdlongThe ID of the badge.
placeIdlongThe ID of the place.
{userName} won {badgeCreatorName}'s '{badgeName}' award! (if successful)
0Platform exception


GET /currency/balance

Returns the Robux and Ticket balances for the currently authenticated user.
Response Error
ApplicationException: Invalid auth token


GET /users/{userId}/friends

Retrieves a paged list of friends for the specified user.
userIdlongThe ID of the user.
pageint(Optional) The page to retrieve.
[{ 'Id':12345678, 'Username':'user', 'AvatarUri':', 'AvatarFinal':true, 'IsOnline':true }]

POST /user/accept-friend-request

requesterUserIdlongThe ID of the requester.
Response Error
400Bad Request: Invalid requesterUserId
404Resource Not found: Not enabled

POST /user/decline-friend-request

requesterUserIdlongThe ID of the requester.
Response Error
400Bad Request: Invalid requesterUserId
404Resource Not Found: Not enabled

POST /user/request-friendship

recipientUserIdlongThe userId of the recipient.
Response Error
400Bad Request: Invalid recipientUserId
404Resource Not Found: Not enabled

GET /user/get-friendship-count

userIdlong?(Optional)The ID of the user, or the ID of the authenticated user if not provided.
{ 'success':true, 'message':'Success', 'count':10 }
404Resource Not Found: Not enabled

POST /user/unfriend

friendUserIdlongThe ID of the friend.
Response Error
400Bad Request: Invalid friendUserId
404Not Found: Not enabled

GET /user/following-exists

Returns whether followerUserId is following userId
userIdlongThe user potentially being followed
followerUserIdlongThe user potentially following the other user
{ 'success':true, 'message':'Success', 'isFollowing':true }
400Bad Request:Invalid followerUserId/Invalid userId
404Not Found: Not enabled

POST /user/follow

followedUserIdlongThe ID of the user to follow.
Response Error
400Invalid followerUserId
403Block exists between authenticated user and followedUserId
404Not enabled

POST /user/unfollow

followedUserIdlongThe ID of the followed user.
Response Error
400Invalid followerUserId
404Not enabled


GET /users/{userId}/groups

userIdintThe ID of the user.
[{ 'Id': 696519, 'Name': 'Orinthians', 'EmblemId': 135321582, 'EmblemUrl': '', 'Rank': 254, 'Role': 'Council', 'IsInClan': false, 'IsPrimary': false }, { 'Id': 679727, 'Name': 'ROBLOX Community Staff and Forum Users', 'EmblemId': 90708870, 'EmblemUrl': '', 'Rank': 245, 'Role': 'Other Staff', 'IsInClan': false, 'IsPrimary': false }]
404User not found

GET /groups/{groupId}

groupIdintThe ID of the group.
{ 'Name':'Group name', 'Id':1234567, 'Owner': { 'Name':'owner', 'Id':12345678 }, 'EmblemUrl':'', 'Description':', 'Roles':[{'Name':'Panem Citizens','Rank':1}] }
404Group not found
503Get group info not enabled

Roblox How To Delete A Place

GET /groups/{groupId}/allies

groupIdintThe ID of the group
pageint(Optional) The page to retrieve.
{ 'Groups': [ {'Name':', 'Id':123456, 'Owner':{ 'Name':', 'Id':23456789 }, 'EmblemUrl':'', 'Description':', 'Roles':[{'Name':'Advisor','Rank':1}] } ], 'FinalPage':true }

GET /groups/{groupId}/enemies

groupIdintThe ID of the group
pageint(Optional) The page to retrieve.
{ 'Groups': [ {'Name':', 'Id':123456, 'Owner':{ 'Name':', 'Id':23456789 }, 'EmblemUrl':'', 'Description':', 'Roles':[{'Name':'Advisor','Rank':1}] } ], 'FinalPage':true }


GET /incoming-items/counts

{'unreadMessageCount': 1, 'friendRequestsCount': 2}


GET /marketplace/productinfo

assetIdlongThe ID of the asset.
{ 'TargetId':123456789, 'ProductType':'User Product', 'AssetId':123456789, 'ProductId':24870409, 'Name':'Hat', 'Description':', 'AssetTypeId':8, 'Creator':{'Id':1,'Name':'ROBLOX'}, 'IconImageAssetId':0, 'Created':'2015-06-25T20:07:49.147Z', 'Updated':'2015-07-11T20:07:51.863Z', 'PriceInRobux':350, 'PriceInTickets':null, 'Sales':0, 'IsNew':true, 'IsForSale':true, 'IsPublicDomain':false, 'IsLimited':false, 'IsLimitedUnique':false, 'Remaining':null, 'MinimumMembershipLevel':0 }

GET /marketplace/game-pass-product-info

Roblox How To Delete A Place
Returns the product info for the specified game pass.
gamePassIdlongThe ID of the asset.
{ 'TargetId':123456789, 'ProductType':'Game Pass', 'AssetId':123456789, 'ProductId':24870409, 'Name':'Hat', 'Description':', 'AssetTypeId':8, 'Creator':{'Id':1,'Name':'ROBLOX'}, 'IconImageAssetId':0, 'Created':'2015-06-25T20:07:49.147Z', 'Updated':'2015-07-11T20:07:51.863Z', 'PriceInRobux':350, 'PriceInTickets':null, 'Sales':0, 'IsNew':true, 'IsForSale':true, 'IsPublicDomain':false, 'IsLimited':false, 'IsLimitedUnique':false, 'Remaining':null, 'MinimumMembershipLevel':0 }


GET /ownership/hasasset

userIdintThe ID of the user.
assetIdlongThe ID of the asset.


GET /reference/deviceinfo

{ 'PlatformType': 'platform name', 'DeviceType': 'device type', 'OperatingSystemType': 'OS type' }


POST /userblock/block

Block a user; prevent communication between the current user and the user specified.
userIdlongUserId of the user to be blocked
Response Error
400Bad Request: Invalid user id

POST /userblock/unblock

Unblock a user; allow communication between the current user and the user specified.
userIdlongUserId of the user to be unblocked

Roblox How To Delete A Place

Response Error
400Bad Request: Invalid user id


GET /users/{userId}

Retrieves user information for the specified user ID.
userIdintThe ID of the user.

GET /users/get-by-username

Retrieves user information for the specified username.
usernamestringThe name of the user.
Response Error
Invalid username
User not found

GET /users/{userId}/canmanage/{assetId}

Returns whether the user can manage a given asset.
userIdintThe ID of the user.
assetIdlongThe ID of the asset.
Response Error
Not enabled
Unknown user or asset

Did you Also face the Roblox Error code 610,

And want to know more about the Roblox Error 610, Why this happens? and how to fix it?

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You are at the right place, We have the best solution for you to fix your Roblox Error 610, simply read the whole article and follow the solutions to fix.

Many players have been complaining about Roblox Error 610. This error occurs when you are trying to play a game in Roblox, sometimes the error occurs due to a problem on the server.

There are many types of errors users can face in Roblox, but this error is quite new and disappointing the players as well as embarrassing too. Now in the given solutions, you will know about the error and how to fix this.

7.Roblox Error 610 [MacOS Solution]

How do you Fix Error Code 610 on Roblox?

Before applying any of the solutions below you need to first restart your computer to refresh the operation system and remove any corrupt temporary data that could be the cause of the problem. How to get os x 10 12.

This error occurs when you start the game and it can be caused by many reasons to fix this Error 610, you need to follow the steps below:

Solution 1: Check If the Servers are Online

It is an online game and very heavy on Roblox servers to work properly, Sometimes servers are not online due to some maintenance or some other reasons that's why you would not be able to play the game.

If the server is down for a long period, then you will wait until it's back online.

Solution 2: Try logging out of your Roblox account

In this solution, you have to fix your problem by refreshing your account information on the Roblox server. It is very simple by logging out and logging back to your account.

  • Open Roblox.
  • Click the gear icon (Settings) in the upper right corner
  • Click on Logout
  • Refresh Browser Page
  • Log in again with the same account.
  • Go to the 'Game' tab and start the game again.

Now check the Roblox error code 610 problem still occurs.

Solution 3: Download Roblox to your computer

If you are using Windows 10, then you can download the Roblox game from the Windows 10 store, because the downloaded game from the store will fix your problem.

  1. Open the Windows Store
  2. Search 'Roblox' and download
  3. When the download is complete, click Play to launch the desktop version of the game.
  4. Register with your user credentials to log in.
  5. Go to the 'Game' tab and launch any mode to see if the problem has been resolved.

Now again check if the Roblox error code 610 issue still occurs.

Solution 4: Create a new Roblox account

Creating a new account is caused by an issue with your account on Roblox Server. To ensure if this is the problem, then you should have to try a different account.

  1. Go to Roblox
  2. Fill out the registration form with the necessary information and click 'Register' to register a new account.
  3. Log in with your new account and launch game mode.

Check if the Roblox error code 610 issue still occurs.

Solution 5: Refresh the IP and DNS of your computer

After applying the Solutions listed above and the issue persists then you should refresh the IP and DNS of your computer.

  1. Select the 'Start' button, then type 'cmd'.
  2. Right-click 'Command Prompt', then choose 'Run as Administrator'.
  3. Type 'ipconfig /flushdns' then press 'Enter'.
  4. Close the Command Prompt.
  5. Check if the Roblox error code 610 issue still occurs.

The following solutions are to fix Roblox issues, in general, to fix on your iMac or MacBook.

Solution 1: Clear Library > Cache

How To Delete Roblox On Computer

How to download undertale on pc. Clear your cache to delete stored data by your macOS. The cache is used to provide faster access to your files, but sometimes an issue can cause an error leading to errors like Roblox Error 610.

  1. On your desktop, Click on GO
  2. In the drop-down menu, click on Library.
  3. Find the Cache Folder, and click on it
  4. Select All and delete
  5. Restart and check if the error exists.

Solution 2: Disable Hardware Acceleration

On any application, you use, be it Discord or your browser. These applications accelerate your hardware and this doesn't work sometimes the way it was intended to. You can try disabling hardware acceleration and check if it works now.

To disable hardware acceleration on Discord, Go to solution 5 of this guide

Another solution you can try is restarting and clearing unused applications.


The above listed given solutions will grant you to fix your Roblox Error code 610 issue.try the given steps step by step to solve the Roblox 610 error. If you want to know more about Roblox errors hit the comment below to let us know.

5 Solutions to Solve Roblox Error 610

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